Elvie App-Enabled Kegel Exercise Tracker
Elvie is an award-winning exercise tracker for the pelvic floor. Simply place inside, connect to the app and track kegel strength. As the muscles contract, the on-screen gem lifts, allowing users to see their pelvic floor exercises in real time. The six unique games were designed with the help of physiotherapists and experts from Imperial College and the University of Oxford. From Speed, which challenges fast-twitch muscles, to Hold which builds endurance, the exercises give the pelvic floor a full workout. Elvie is the most personal trainer – motivating and correcting as users exercise and tracking progress over time.
Pelvic floor exercise is recommended by health authorities around the world to prevent or treat pelvic floor problems, improving symptoms in over 70% of cases. But women either don’t know how to do them or do them incorrectly. Elvie is the smallest Kegel exercise tracker available and the only one to detect whether users are exercising correctly using motion sensors. At the same time, the force sensors measure the strength of the wearer’s squeeze and Bluetooth connects to the app allowing users to visualize each exercise.